Video Transcript
By this point, the impact of COVID-19 has permeated our lives in almost every conceivable way. With the changes you’re facing, you’ve had to adapt to a world where almost everything is now online, including managing your energy strategy.
In this week’s Two-Minute Tuesday, we’re going to talk about a couple of ways you can leverage technology to save you time and money in the energy purchasing process.
Video Conferencing
The first way seems obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: digital communication and data exchange. In this day and age with so many ways to communicate, we are continuously surprised by how impersonal energy procurement can be. There’s nothing like meeting in person, but video conferencing is the next best thing.
Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Microsoft Teams all provide excellent platforms to see each other during meetings and to share and review data. Not only are video communications more personal, but they’re also more productive. More accomplished in less time means more time for you to dedicate elsewhere.
Speaking of saving time, e-signatures are next on our list, and they have skyrocketed in popularity for documents that require signatures. If you’re tired of negotiating with the scanner like me, e-signatures are going to be your best friend.
Reverse Auction
Another way we’re leveraging technology is with a reverse auction. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re going to want to take some notes.
The completely online procurement event has suppliers log in and compete against one another in real time in an online platform. The streamlined event can produce results up to 10 percent better than a traditional sealed bid. Couple that with a 15-minute time limit, and you save time and money all online.
Our workplace is definitely different than it was in January of this year, but that doesn’t mean that your productivity has to suffer. Our mission remains the same: make energy easy to make you successful.
If you’d like to learn more or just want to chat, hit me up and I’ll send you a Zoom invite. Thanks for watching!
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